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Man charged over damage to restaurant

A MAN has been charged over damage to a Lebanese restaurant in Sydney's inner west, which has been targeted several times by racist vandals.

NEWTOWN restaurant Arabella had its windows smashed and a racist message scratched into its glass in an attack on Tuesday.

A 23-year-old Kogarah man was arrested after the owner caught him smashing a ceramic basin at the rear of the restaurant in a second attack around 1am on Wednesday morning, police said. 

Inquiries are continuing into whether the two attacks are linked.

The man was searched and found in possession of the drug ice and was taken to Newtown Police Station where he was charged.

Mohamad Zouhour, whose restaurant has been in Newtown for 14 years, said his business has been targeted three times in the past and had received threatening phone calls.

"Of course we get scared," Mr Zouhour told AAP on Tuesday.

"It makes me think about leaving this country."

In the latest incident Mr Zouhour said "F*** Arabs" had been etched into the glass.

He said he had no idea why he was being targeted beyond his race.

The offender has been refused bail and will appear in Newtown Local Court on Wednesday.


Source: The Australian / AAP, 23rd September 2015
Originally published as: Man charged over damage to restaurant