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Vic hospitality workers rally for rates

THE hospitality industry is vibrant and can afford to pay penalty rates, according to hundreds of workers who rallied in Melbourne.

MORE than 200 workers and union supporters, who say they rely on the extra weekend rates to pay for essential costs, are fighting industry attempts to cut weekend pay rates.

Claims by employers that they can't afford to open nights and weekends if they're forced to continue paying penalty rates are baffling, United Voice Victorian secretary Jess Walsh says.

"They're part of a strong and vibrant hospitality sector. Spending in hospitality is on the up and up so our members don't see that we need to cut penalty rates," she told AAP after the rally.

Hospitality workers earn around half the average Australian wage, about $100 of which comes from penalty rates, Ms Walsh said.

"They can't afford to lose the component of their income that is penalty rates," she said. 

"These are low paid workers."

Ms Walsh said there is strong community support for penalty rates, and she rejected claims restaurants and cafes would be forced to close at night or on weekends.

Acting Premier Jacinta Allan said people who worked hard deserved to be appropriately remunerated.

"For some people if that work goes outside the regular 9-5 Monday to Friday schedule there is the need to recognise that," she told reporters.


Source: The Australian / AAP, 23rd September 2015
Originally pulished as: Vic hospitality workers rally for rates