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Northbridge’s Mechanics Institute wins Australia’s Best Small Bar award

NORTHBRIDGE’s Mechanics Institute has been named the nation’s Best Small Bar at the Australian Bartender Magazine Bar Awards.

It’s the second year running a Perth venue has won, with underground whisky/wine bar Varnish on King winning the title last year.

More than 500 bar professionals from around the nation attended the 15th annual awards held at the Doltone House at Jones Bay Wharf in Sydney this week.

Mechanics’ owner Brett Robinson also won the state’s Cocktail Bar of the year award for his other business Dominion League in Perth.

Meanwhile, The Brisbane Hotel won WA’s Pub of the Year and Enrique’s School for to Bullfighting in Highgate won WA’s Bar of the Year.

Outstanding Contribution to Perth’s local bar industry was awarded to Andy Freeman, who runs Varnish on King, Flour Factory and Darlings Supper Club.

Varnish on King also won this year’s Best Bar Food category.



Source: Perth Now, Vetti Kakulas, 24th September 2015
Originally published as: Northbridge’s Mechanics Institute wins Australia’s Best Small Bar award