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Queensland tourism: ‘Move school holidays for cheaper prices’

TOURISM leaders are lobbying for a shake-up of school holidays to spread the peak tourist season.

Operators believe staggered school term breaks would translate into lower prices, cheaper airfares, less congestion, a longer season and an economic bonanza for the Sunshine State.

Cairns, Port Douglas, the Whitsundays, Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast posted a record September school holiday period in a huge rebound for the state’s $23 billion industry.

But holidaymakers with school-age kids have told of being fed up with 50 per cent mark-ups for overbooked accommodation, crowded flights and airports, long queues at tourist attractions and packed beaches.

Queensland’s peak tourism industry group will lobby state and federal governments to put the plan to the next Council of Australian Governments meeting.

“We know what goes on in places like the Gold Coast and Cairns; it is extremely busy for a couple of weeks and then it drops off,’’ Queensland Tourism Industry Council chief Daniel Gschwind told The Sunday Mail.

“It gets crowded on flights, hotels are chockers, and everywhere is busy.

“We absolutely agree it is worth looking at, anything that helps to spread out the peak seasons.

“If we could agree to separate out the school holiday breaks in different states it would mean a better overall experience for everyone.”

Education experts welcome the move but warn the likelihood of any agreement between states and territories “had about as much chance as daylight saving”.

Queensland and Victoria have the same school term breaks next year while NSW and ACT break a week later.

Tourism Tropical North Queensland board member Michael Trout said given the $60 million-a-day holidaymakers spend on average in Queensland it made sense to “spread the holidays and share the love”.

“We go from boom to bust in a matter of weeks. If school holidays did not overlap it would extend our peak seasons, and significantly lift our domestic market,’’ the Blazing Saddles trail ride owner said.

“It’s an economic no-brainer that can inject millions into our tourist economy with a simple stroke of a pen.’’

Gold Coast Tourism chief Martin Winter said splitting up school holidays would mean less stress on everybody.

“On the Gold Coast, we’ve had the biggest September school holidays on record, it has been fantastic trading for operators,” Mr Winter said.

“Anything that will extend the period has to be good, particularly if it means more choice for visitors and downward pressure on prices.

“Purely from the perspective of a visitor, it is better if they don’t have to queue at theme parks and get into accommodation of their choice at the right price.”

He said fewer tourists were likely to be turned off by cost if demand was extended over a longer period.

“It is most apparent in airlines, they have dynamic pricing that changes hourly, and they set prices to the loads they've got and whether they can fill seats, it’d probably mean more families could afford to go on holiday,” Mr Winter said.

Flight Centre spokesman Haydn Long said major benefits would be on accommodation availability.

“It can be difficult and expensive to get a seat on a plane at various times of the year. This would alleviate that to a degree,” he said.

Australian Primary Principals Association president Dennis Yarrington said the biggest obstacle was interstate rivalry.

“We can’t agree on daylight saving; I can’t see the states agreeing on the timing of school holidays,’’ he said.


Source: The Australian, Peter Michael, 1st November 2015
Originally published as: Queensland tourism: ‘Move school holidays for cheaper prices’