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Oh My Gosh cafe trashed in attempt to rip out ATM

AN East Arm cafe owner is counting the cost of thieves trashing his business and causing $20,000 damage while trying to steal an ATM.

Timmy Duggan, owner of cafe Oh My Gosh, said he arrived at his cafe on Sunday morning to find it had been ransacked and the refrigerator door left open, ruining the food inside.

Mr Duggan said during the attempts to steal the ATM, thieves caused so much damage to the machine worth $10,000 that it would have to be replaced.

“It was pretty devastating. Everything you work for can be taken away in an instant,” he said.

He said his staff came together to clean up the business on Sunday, ready to open for trade yesterday.

“All the workers, even though we don’t work on Sunday, came in and banded together to clean up and assist police with the investigation,” he said.

“The workers were really good and we are open for trade today.”

He said the thieves used a crowbar to break in through the back door.

They then ransacked the ­office and tipped rubbish out over the floors.

Mr Duggan said he believed that his business has been ­targeted because of its isolated location.

He said his regular customers showed support to the staff yesterday.

Police are still hunting the men who broke into the cafe just before 11pm on Saturday.

A police spokesman said the men were caught on CCTV coming and going from the business three times over three hours.

He said the footage captured a man loitering outside the cafe on Cochrane Rd just before the break-in ­occurred.

A police spokesman said officers were examining CCTV footage to identify the ­suspects.

The investigation into the break-in was ongoing.

Anyone with information about the incident can call 131 444 or Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000.


Source: NT News, Kieran Banks, 24th November 2015
Originally published as: Oh My Gosh cafe trashed in attempt to rip out ATM