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Eloma Combi Ovens

The future of cooking from Eloma:  the Combi Oven range delights with its advanced technology tailored to various requirements of out-of-house markets, e.g. Restaurants, Hotel Kitchens and Catering.  Thanks to the intuitive controls, it is possible to concentrate on what is important: just cooking!  Equipped with the unique Eloma live steam system and combined load cooking function, you can delight your customers and guests with your own personal and incomparable culinary art. 

The live steam system – invented by Eloma

Live steam is generated by our patented heat recovery system and directly injected into the dispersion tube. This saves energy and creates live steam within seconds without preheating.

Key benefits:

  • Perfectly saturated steam quality, precise to the milliliter
  • Economical and ecological: greatly reduced cooking times, minimal use of materials, massively reduced energy and water consumption with the very best food quality
  • Maximum hygiene thanks to elimination of the boiler and a steady supply of freshly generated steam

Multi Cooking

A sure thing. Simply select one programme or cooking method and the Combi Oven determines all the accompanying programmes required, automatically.

Particular benefits:

  • Multiple selection for parallel operation, whether before or during the cooking process, with intelligent time control, set start or end time as desired
  • Summary of all meals which can be cooked together – with multiple independent timer display for each tray
  • Cooking times with Eloma Multi Cooking can also be controlled using the core temperature: meat dishes that are perfectly cooked inside and out, the best cooking results without stress or time constraining.

Eloma Autoclean®

The ultimate in hygiene and safety – our unique, patented and fully automatic cleaning system for unsurpassed cleaning results while keeping consumption of water, cleaning and rinsing agents to a minimum.

  • Your combi steamer takes care of everything on its own at the touch of a button
  • Liquid cleaning system coordinated with Eloma products and ready for use, for optimum cleaning results and the best possible surface protection
  • Extremely low cleaning costs thanks to precise measuring of the liquid cleaner

The award-winning multi-eco system

Award-winning Eloma technology: be kind to the environment and reduce your operating costs.

  • A high-performance heat exchanger can save you up to 16% energy and up to 42% water
  • Preheating the steaming water to up to 70°C (158°F) using exhaust heat
  • No additional costs for maintenance work

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