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Dog-friendly Darwin cafes a hit with pet owners

TERRITORIANS who can’t bear the thought of leaving home without their fur-baby now have a choice of dog-friendly cafes in Darwin.

A special Sunday Territorian investigation has found there are at least six eateries in the Top End capital that allow customers to sip lattes alongside Fido and Fluffy.

Eva’s Botanical Gardens Cafe has welcomed pet dogs since it opened in April last year and manager Sunny Singh wouldn’t have it any other way.

“I love dogs personally so it’s good to have them around and our customers seem to love them as well,” he said.

“We can’t have dogs inside the cafe itself but we allow them in our outdoor areas.”

Mr Singh said doggie customers were given complimentary bowls of water on arrival and owners could buy their pets milk, which was served in disposable cups.

“Being dog-friendly is one of the main attractions of Eva’s,” he said. “People like being able to sit beside their dog while they enjoy a coffee or a meal, and not have to tie their pet up away from them.

“Not many places cater to dog owners but it seems to make our customers happy.”

Andy Ewers has been going to Eva’s with her kelpies, Xander and River, since it opened.

“I love being able to relax in a beautiful place with my dogs and give them the socialisation and training they need to be well-behaved in public,” she said.

Ms Ewers said when it came to picking a place to enjoy a chat and a coffee with friends, she would opt for a place where she could bring her dogs.

“I love having them with me and they have opened a lot of social doors since I’ve been in Darwin – people are more likely to talk to you when you have a dog,” she said.

Sarah Baker, another Eva’s regular, said she was happy to see Darwin adopting a more dog-friendly attitude, even if it was a slow process.

“Though dogs and owners do need to know the etiquette of being in a cafe as well,” she said.

“You can’t allow your dog to lick the plates and they can’t be annoying other people.”


Source: NT News, Courtney Todd, 3rd January 2016