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Hyatt latest hotel chain to suffer malware attack aimed at stealing customers’ credit card details

Hyatt Hotels has confirmed it is the latest international chain of hotels to have its booking system infected with malware, with payment details of thousands of customers potentially exposed.

Malware is software designed to disrupt or damage a computer system, in this case used in an attempt to steal customer credit card information from terminals used at check-in.

Hyatt Hotels released a statement confirming it was investigating and consulting with cyber security experts.

"We have taken steps to strengthen the security of our systems, and customers can feel confident using payment cards at Hyatt hotels worldwide," the company said.

Hyatt Hotels has a portfolio of 627 properties in 52 countries.

Hilton released a statement in November confirming its systems had been affected during a 17-week period from November 18 to December 5, 2014 and April 21 to July 27 this year.

Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc said 54 of its hotels in North America had also been infected between November 2014 and October this year, however an independent investigation found no customer data had been compromised, NBC News reports.

The Trump Hotel Collection chain confirmed in September they had also been the victim of an attack and had notified the FBI and financial institutions.

All of the hotel groups advised customers to check their payment card statements and contact their financial institution directly if anything irregular is noticed.


Source: Nine News, 24th December 2015