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Furious festival-goers demand refunds after claims 'food ran out before 3pm' at Sydney Barbecue Festival

Organisers of the Sydney Barbecue Festival have refused to give angry patrons their money back after festival-goers claimed food at the event ran out before 3pm.

The much publicised event took place at The Domain on Saturday and more than 5000 people attended in the blistering heat conditions.

Customers were not met with what they hoped for with many taking to social media telling of two-hour queues for food and many stalls sporting 'sold out signs'.

The Sydney Barbecue Festival's Facebook page has been flooded with angry complaints from people demanding their money back, despite the number of disgruntled customers event organisers say there are 'no grounds for a refund'.

‎Charlie Lawford‎ wrote on Facebook that she had got to the festival at 12pm only to find sold out signs.

She added: "More BBQ vendors than food stalls and no samples to speak of. 

"Currently a food refugee heading to one of the American BBQ restaurants. Complete lack of planning, communication and accountability. Avoid at all costs ‪#‎wheredoigetmyrefund‬"

Brent Arthur Dawson said the event was 'awful' and ended up having lunch at a nearby pub after paying over $100 to get in and find the food stalls sold out by 12.30pm

Justine Pirie, who is nine months pregnant, took to the organiser's Facebook page asking about how to obtain a refund after nearly passing out, adding that after being at the event for two hours she was unable to get any food.

Many customers were unable to get food as much had run out by the time they arrived. Photo: Facebook

Georgina Varhelyi said: "Being sunburnt, hungry and paying exorbitant prices for it is not my idea of a good time."

Matt Hendry said on Facebook: "I know its hard to deliver slow and low Barbecue but I've seen school fetes better organised than this event."

Emotions were running so high on social media that a Facebook page called the Sydney BBQ Festival Hate Page was even set up.

A familiar sight at the festival which has copped a lot of criticism on social media. Photo: Facebook

Festival organisers released a statement on Saturday night saying: "We appreciate your concerns and are sorry that you had a bad experience.

"There were 13 food traders at the event, who were all briefed in advance of expected numbers and the food offering.

"Although the wait for food from some traders was long at times, there were other food options throughout the site, and a range of activities including free demonstrations, entertainment and exhibitors. We also provided seating and table areas, free water at bars and free sunscreen at first aid and handed out by staff members.

"Unfortunately with Barbecue there is a changeover period with food and in some instances there was a wait between services.

"All elements of the event were delivered as advertised.

"Again, we are sorry that you have had a bad experience, but for the reasons stated there are no grounds for a refund and we are taking your feedback on board for next year."

Tiered ticketing for the event started at $25 per adult, organisers added that they were 'committed to providing an amazing event at fair pricing'.

News of the event failure comes just a month after customers of the NYE Above the Harbour also demanded refunds complaining of awful food, enormous lines for toilets and ordinary music .

"The organisers and caterers, in good faith, are currently processing any complaints and a formal process is in place to address and resolve these issues," event organisers said at the time.

Revellers swamped social media to slam the "complete joke" of an event.


Source: Yahoo 7 News, Melissa Hills, 1st February 2016