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Australian beef blamed for E.Coli outbreak at US food chain

by Leon Gettler

A mass E. coli outbreak in the famous US burrito fast food chain Chipotle has been blamed on Australian beef.

“Chipotle concluded the E. coli was most likely from contaminated Australian beef,” The Wall Street Journal said.

Other media outlets, citing unnamed sources, have also speculated that Chipotle was blaming the mass E. coli outbreak that infected 60 people across 11 states, and cut sales for the fast-food giant by 30 per cent in December on Australian beef.

At the same time, the US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention has closed its investigation after failing to pinpoint any of the 64 ingredients used by the restaurants as the likely culprit.

North America is one of the biggest markets for Australian beef so the speculation is potentially damaging for the industry.


8th February 2016