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Queensland Budget boosts tourism

The Queensland Government clearly sees tourism as the state’s unique growth industry with this week’s budget allocating $33.5 million to attract tourists from Asia.

As part of the package, there will be more international flights and a heavy focus on digital engagement.

Queensland premier Annastacia Palaszczuk told a breakfast at QUT that the big focus was not only on attracting tourists but also innovation.

"This initiative will increase visitation rates by attracting more airline routes to Queensland from our Asian neighbours," Ms Palasczuk said.

"But this package is not just about new flights - it will focus heavily on innovation in our tourism sector, especially through expanding the industry's digital capability.

"We can't just rely on traditional campaigns. We need to change, we need to adapt; it will be digital, online campaigns that reach the masses into the future."

Tourism minister Kate Jones said the government was looking to attract the growing Chinese middle class.

"We want to ensure that Queensland tourism businesses are at the forefront in the decision making of Chinese holiday makers to choose our state," Ms Jones said.

"We know that tourism is one of the great winners in the Queensland economy. And this new innovation fund, Connecting with Asia, will ensure that Queensland grows its market share and creates tourism jobs right throughout Queensland, particularly in regional communities.”

The increased funding coincides with the release of the latest tourism statistics showing Queensland is leading Australia as a tourist destination.

The statistics show that for the second quarter in a row domestic tourist visitor numbers grew at a faster rate in Queensland than any of the southern states. That includes New South Wales, which traditionally dominates the tourism market.

More overall visitors still come to NSW but Queensland had best growth rate. It had nine per cent growth in overnight visitor numbers.

The data showed that a record 20.3 million domestic visitors came to Queensland in the year to March. 


by Leon Gettler, June 15th 2016