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Volunteers rebuild country pub

When the town of Buchan lost its favourite pub in a fire, locals were at their wits end.

The pub was not just the place where local would drink beer. It was a big gathering point for the community. It was the place where people got together during emergencies it was the place where conversations reflecting on the past, and for that matter the future, took place.

Buchan Caves Hotel was more than 100 years old. It was an historic focal point for the town and its walls soaked up many conversations.

After the hotel was destroyed by fire, the owners said they weren’t going to rebuild.

Not so, said the town folk.

Now Buchan is not just any town in eastern Victoria. Despite its population of only 400, the Buchan Caves draw visitors the world over. It is one of the most popular spots on East Gippsland's tourist trail.

As a result, visitors and locals got together and successfully raised $600,000 through crowdfunding. And now volunteers are putting in time and effort rebuilding the pub. To keep the costs down, tradespeople and locals are working for free.

So finally the pub is taking shape. The opening is planned for later this year.

When the pub burnt down everyone was gutted by it," Dave Harper who has lived in Buchan for 35 years told the ABC.

"It's very important for a tourist town but also for the local people to have somewhere to get together. It's a focal point for the town. I don't think people realised it that much until we didn't have it anymore, and then we really felt it.

"I think it will draw a lot more people to the town. Especially because it was quite unique the way it was funded. I think it was the first pub in the world to be crowdfunded.”

by Leon Gettler, July 29th 2016