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New funding gives industry training boost

Wiiliam Angliss - New Funding gives industry training a boost
60 students from Regional Victorian TAFEs who are part of the  Regional Tourism Employability Program (RTEP) visited Melbourne.

Opportunities for regional training in hospitality, tourism and events have increased with an additional boost in available government funding to support regional TAFEs, enabling businesses to have more qualified staff.

With the need for a larger skilled workforce in the tourism and hospitality areas across Victoria, businesses will be able to train employees locally with most of the costs subsidised through this additional funding support.

Many regional Victorian TAFEs have partnered with William Angliss Institute and have access to the Institute’s expertise in tourism, hospitality and events to help provide highly skilled staff for Victoria’s iconic regional destinations with the help of funding from the Victorian government.

Students continue living in their local regions, while gaining the practical skills and specialist knowledge they need to drive regional hospitality and tourism to a more competitive level.

Business development manager Brendan Clennett said it was a great opportunity for many local businesses to get existing staff trained where required and this new funding will hopefully give them greater access to staff with relevant skills.
‘Completing the Diploma of Travel and Tourism or Diploma of Hospitality will provide these students with a multitude of options. This practical skills-based training will ensure they are prepared for a future in tourism or events in their local areas, nationally or internationally,’ he said.

The Victorian government plans to help increase visitor spending to $36.5 billion by 2025 and increase employment in the sector to 320,700 jobs.  

Visit Victoria is the state’s new world-leading entity responsible for ensuring the state remains the national leader for tourism and major events, focusing on nine key areas including more private sector investment, building on the potential of regional and rural campaigns, better tourism infrastructure and providing a skilled and capable sector.

For more information visit:


August 25th 2016