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New lockout laws for Christmas

It hasn’t taken long.

Now that the Baird government has softened its controversial lockout laws, it’s bringing in key changes on the back of recommendations in the Callinan review.

In particular, extended trading hours for bottle shops and eligibility changes for small bar venues, will come into effect on Friday.

The changes, timed perfectly for the festive season, will see small bars in Sydney's CBD and King Cross being able to trade until 2am and hold an extra 40 patrons.

And from Friday,their closing times will be pushed back from 1.30am to 2am. At the same time, the patron limit will be increased from 60 to 100.

At the same time, the state-wide curfew on takeaway and home delivery alcohol sales hours will also be extended by an hour, from 10pm to 11pm.

Justice Minister Troy Grant said the changes were timely.

"We have brought forward these reforms so communities and businesses across NSW can take advantage of later trading times during the busy summer holiday period," Mr Grant said.

“The extension of takeaway alcohol sales from 10pm to 11pm will be closely monitored by Liquor & Gaming NSW and evaluated annually.

The government is also moving ahead with its planned changes for live music venues which will see them extending their 1.30am lockouts and 3am last drinks by 30 minutes each.

“Liquor & Gaming NSW is working with the industry on how venues will be able to seek exemptions to extend lockout times from 1.30am to 2am and last drinks from 3am to 3.30am,” Mr Grant said.

“Venues will be able to start applying by the end of the year, with exemptions to be granted from 16 January 2017.”

Not all takeaway alcohol businesses and small bars will be able to trade until these new times with local development consent and trading hour conditions still restricting operating hours for individual venues.

by Leon Gettler5, December 14th 2016