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Respect the penalties decision: hotels industry

While the unions have launched a WorkChoices style campaign against the decision of the Fair Work Commission to reduce penalty rates, and while the Labor Party has flagged legislation to stop it happening again, the hotels industry says the decision is a step in the right direction.

Martin Ferguson, a former ACTU president and Labor minister, who now chairs Tourism Accommodation Australia (TAA), has come out strongly in support of the decision.

The TAA led submissions to the FWC on behalf of the hotel sector.

Mr Ferguson said the decision was the first step towards creating a modern day tourism and hospitality industry.

And this was why the decision should be respected.

“From the industry point of view we haven't got everything we want,” Mr Ferguson said

“That is the nature of the Fair Work Commission.

"We respect their decision and we will try and make it work.

"For us the objective was to modernise the award, not to abolish penalty rates, but to make it relevant to the 21st century as a means of employing more Australians.

"The hospitality and accommodation sector is seen as an industry with tremendous potential to deliver results and jobs for the Australian economy.

"We are currently experiencing the largest-ever expansion of accommodation hotels across the country, so it is imperative that workplace reforms support this growth phase."

The Australian Hotels Association also came out in support of the decision.

"Society and work patterns have changed significantly in 50 years," AHA CEO Stephen Ferguson said.

"Today people expect to be able to shop, buy a meal or a drink at all hours of the day, while large numbers of workers actually prefer to work outside a '9 to 5' weekday regime because it suits their lifestyle, studies or family circumstances.

"Over recent years too many businesses have closed or reduced employment on Sundays or Public Holidays because of the cost of penalty rates. That is bad for workers, bad for business and bad for the general public."

by Leon Gettler, March 1st 2017