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Rockpool might move into home delivery


Rockpool might move into home delivery.

There’s no shortage of food offerings that you can get home delivered these days.

The home delivery service in Australia is dominated by companies like Domino’s, UberEats, Deliveroo and Foodora.

It’s so convenient, with people on scooters, bikes and cars delivering restaurant quality food to people with smart phones.

All up, the home delivery service is worth $6 billion a year.

Of course, it might be just a matter of time before the upmarket players get into it, providing more than just greasy food, stir fry, burgers and pizzas.

Talk around the traps is that Rockpool Bar & Grill will soon move online into home delivery.

Thomas Pash, chief executive of the Rockpool Dining Group says the company’s premium restaurant brands are already offering scaled down delivery menus as part of UberEats.

“It comes down to menu design and what food travels well,” Pash told The Australian Financial Review.

“For our premium restaurants, we offer around one quarter of the full menu. For Rockpool, which is in The Australian Financial Review’s Australia’s Top 500 Restaurants list, we would consider offering one sixth or one seventh of the full menu for delivery.”

Certainly if that were to happen, it would establish home delivery as a growing competitor to restaurants in the market. And with Rockpool on board, it would certainly raise the standard of food that’s being delivered into people’s homes.

However, a lot depends on the offering.

He says the group’s casual offerings such as Burger Project brings about 25 per cent of sales from home delivery.

But at the premium end, it’s 10 to 15 per cent.

“I order our food on UberEats and Deliveroo, I even ask the neighbours to take delivery for me so the restaurant doesn’t recognise my details!” Pash said.

“Ultimately I want to see what it looks like. It’s not going to be the same, especially for our premium restaurants, but I want it as close as possible.”

by Leon Gettler, May 2nd 2017