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Most violent venues in New South Wales

The latest figures show that venues in New South Wales are now more violent.

The NSW Government’s Violent Venues list released by Liquor & Gaming NSW shows that the number of venues with violence has increased from eight to 15.

Sydney’s Ivy nightclub is the only venue on the latest list to have the most restrictive Level One category.

Home Nightclub in Sydney, PJ’s Irish Pub in Parramatta, the Sydney Junction Hotel in Hamilton and The Sunken Monkey Hotel in Erina have also been listed as venues with high levels of incidents.

The list has 14 venues on level two. Ten venues have been added to the list, three have been removed.

The list assesses venues with violence over a 12 month period.

Venues with 12 or more incidents make the list. Once they get on the list, they are subject to strict conditions and increased monitoring by Liquor & Gaming NSW.

Liquor & Gaming NSW Deputy Secretary Paul Newson said numbers of listed venues tend to fluctuate from round to round.

“This latest list follows the scheme’s best ever results six months ago when for the first time there were no venues in level one,” Mr Newson said.

“Listed venues will be closely monitored but the results show the level of violent incidents remains on a longer-term downward trend.

“The violent venues scheme has made a significant contribution to this reduction and helped ensure the community can enjoy safer nights out, with an 82 per cent fall in the number of violent incidents since first established in 2008.

“NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) statistics show the Government’s tough liquor law reforms and robust regulatory oversight targeting irresponsible venues and practices have delivered a 7.6 per cent annual fall in alcohol-related non-domestic assaults across NSW over the past five years.

“Liquor & Gaming NSW administers a range of regulatory schemes that encourage best practice and reduce risks of alcohol-related violence. We continue to engage with industry and the community to improve safety in and around licensed venues.”

by Leon Gettler, June 1st 2017