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Rat video at Chinese restaurant goes viral

Images of a giant rat crawling around the front display of a Chinese restaurant in Sydney’s south-west have gone viral.

The furry rodent, complete with its tail hanging out, was filmed perched inside the window display.

The video was then posted on to the Facebook page of witness Hokes Izm.

The caption has the blunt warning:

“Don’t eat anything from the Chinese ‘food restaurant at Minto across from the station. They have rats…dirty filthy grubs.”

Emily Tang, the restaurant owner, responded to the video with an apology on Facebook.

“We recently hired a Pest consultant to deal with the rodent and was successful in containing the rodent to just the front curtain area with sticky traps, rodent bait and physical obstructions, we could not find the location where the rodent was entering the restaurant,” Tang said.

“Not until yesterday were we able to locate the rat. Pest control was called again and has dealt with the rodent.

"I apologise for any distress caused to our customers and the community, this is an isolated incident that will never happen again."

She said the restaurant does not have a rodent problem.

“Yesterday a health inspector came in and inspected the kitchen and reception and she said the restaurant was clean and free from contamination,” Tang said.

Campbelltown Council city development director Jim Baldwin said an environmental officer had visited the restaurant last week.

“The offending pest had been caught and contained,” Baldwin told News Corp.

“The officer’s inspection revealed nothing to validate a closure of the premises and records were presented to prove pest treatment in the last few weeks. This venue has a good compliance record and strong history of appropriate compliance with the Food Act 2003.

“A thorough inspection of the premises was conducted and minor corrective actions were suggested that will be followed up by council to ensure that they are addressed appropriately.”

by Leon Gettler, November 13th 2017