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Mentone Hotel compromise deal

Artists impression:  image supplied


The Mentone Hotel has been saved with a compromise deal that will include a bar in a redevelopment of the historic building.

The venue was bought from Open Door Pub Co by Momentum Developments in late 2014 and the original plan was to convert the hotel to apartments without a substantial food and drinks offering.

The matter was due to go before the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) with the the Save The Edgy community group waging a three-and-a-half year battle to save the pub.

But then, a compromise was reached when developer Paul Huggins agreed last week to include a 416-square metre pub on the ground floor of the main building,

That was more than double a previously offered 227 square metre space.

Kingston mayor Cr Steve Staikos welcomed the last-minute compromise which would have avoided a costly battle and which would have seen ratepayers footing the bill for any council representation at the tribunal.

The council had refused to grant a planning permit for the proposal featuring the smaller pub space.

“The Mentone Hotel will now be restored featuring a significant hospitality space to ensure the public can continue to enjoy the beautiful historic building,” Cr Staikos told the Bayside Times.

“It’s great news that the developer has agreed to increase the public hospitality area and can now get to work on restoring the building and opening its doors to the community once more.”

He said the council would now issue a planning permit for 26 dwellings within the main hotel building and a separate new complex at the 95 Beach Road address.

This will see apartments built in the separate new building complex which will be constructed on the site of the hotel’s former car park.

Save The Edgy spokesman Chris Hill welcomed the deal.

“Given the original plans for a four-storey development on the site would have incorporated 68 dwellings in total, we feel the agreement reached with the owner far better reflects the wishes of our community and will ensure the Mentone Hotel will continue to be an attraction for people far and wide for years to come,” Mr Hill told the Bayside Times.


Leon Getter - 19th April 2018