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Concerns about Darwin hotel

Up in Darwin, there has been a lot of focus on a $200 million luxury hotel.

It’s a big development, and it’s important that work on it gets underway before the Big Dry.

But Chief Minister Michael Gunner has flagged there are questions about its approval.

Gunner had made it clear that the project is totally dependent on the Development Consent Authority providing its final approval. Without that, it won’t go ahead.

And last week, the DCA started hearing the applications from opponents of the development.

One DCA member raised concerns regarding the skywalk.

Their problem is the way the proposed skywalk links the hotel to the city. And they are demanding that the hotel be set further back from the water. That, they say, would allow for more green space that would be available to the public.

DCA member Doug Phillips is very concerned about that sidewalk. His major concern is the way it will have a visual impact on Government House.

“The views from Government House have to be preserved, which to me means they remain as they are today,” Mr Phillips told the Northern Territory News.

He raised questions as to why more work has not been done on designing a skywalk that would have less impact on Government House.

“As proposed the skywalk is going to be very visual,” Mr Philips told the Northern Territory News

The proponents of the development said they have worked towards maintaining the views to meet the stipulated requirements.

Mr Gunner says it’s an important project but it has to go through the appropriate process.

“Yes it is a concern the project could be delayed by the issue of green space,” Mr Gunner told MixFM 104.9

“This project will add to the tourism product. We don’t have a six-star hotel. It provides new product for Darwin and is a potential attraction for visitors we don’t have at the moment.

“I am dependent on the independent DCA making their decision — it is crucial for Darwin for that work to start this dry.”


10th July 2018