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Degraves St venues accused of underpaying staff

One of Melbourne’s most iconic laneways has come under fire from hospitality workers union Hospo Voice, which alleges that numerous restaurants and cafes on Degraves Street are underpaying its workers.

Hospo Voice has described the tourist hotspot as “den of thieves”, alleging that five different businesses on Degraves Street have underpaid six workers over $50,000 collectively, with some employees allegedly on wages as low as $11 per hour.

“It’s hard to find a tourist brochure that doesn’t include a photo of Degraves Street,” Victorian secretary of United Voice Jess Walsh told

“Yet little do the tourists who visit this famous laneway know, it’s a meat-grinder that tears through hospitality workers, preying on the youngest and most vulnerable workers.” reports that popular café Tiny Cupcakes underpaid worker Maggie Stecher-Keyland over $18,000.

“There was zero respect, they made me feel so disposable,” Stecher-Keyland told

“You just get used to it, because the majority of venues in the street are doing the same thing.”

Another former Tiny Cupcakes worker accused the business of underpaying her over $7000.

Tiny Cupcakes co-owner Karan Punkabi has denied the allegations. “We’ve paid everything and whatever according to the awards program,” Punjabi told Seven News.

“If she’s asked for the pay rise and it’s according to the program, we would have given the pay rise.”



Sheridan Randall, 31st October 2018