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New hotel and Dan Murphy’s on the Northern Beaches gets greenlight


A new $45 million hotel, Dan Murphy’s and extended pub close to the new Northern Beaches Hospital in Sydney are set to be built.

The modified plans were approved by the Land Environment Court after being knocked back by the Sydney North Planning Panel in 2016.

The changes would modify the approved building to include a click and collect lane for the bottle shop and reconfigure the gaming room to allow for an “alfresco” outdoor gaming area. The plans also include a 100-room hotel/motel to replace the existing 11 rooms.

An ALH spokesman said the company had owned the Parkway Hotel for over a decade.

“It has always been our plan to revamp the current tired offer to a more contemporary one that will appeal to the local community,” he said.

“The upgrade will include bars, bistro, accommodation and a Dan Murphy retail outlet.

“We have worked closely with the local council over a long period on the proposed development and are excited that our plans are nearing fruition.”

The development would be constructed in two stages, with the delivery of the Dan Murphy’s and alterations to the tavern in the first stage. Stage two would be the delivery of the hotel and motel accommodation at the rear of the site.


Sheridan Randall, 28th November 2018