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Downward trend in violent incidents for NSW pubs

The number of licensed premises on the NSW Government's violent venues list has halved from 12 to six in the past six months, with no venues in the most restrictive level one category. 

Liquor and Gaming NSW Deputy Secretary Paul Newson said these latest results are the best in several years and part of a long-term downward trend in the level of violent incidents. 

Newcastle venues the King Street Hotel and the Sydney Junction Hotel were removed from the latest violent venues list. However, Maitland's Belmore Hotel has been added to the list after recording 12 incidents over a 12 month period and could face more stringent trading conditions.

"For just the second time since the scheme began in 2008, there are no venues in the highest level one category, while the number of level two venues has fallen from 10 to six,” said Newson.

"These results indicate our state's licensed venues are now safer than they've ever been.”

Alcohol-related non-domestic assaults have been dropping at around seven per cent per a year, according to data from the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research.

"This continuing decline and the removal of nine venues from the latest list show this longer term trend is continuing," Newson said. 



Sheridan Randall, 28th May 2019