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Sydney’s lock-out laws under review

A cross-party committee is being set up to review the impact Sydney’s controversial lockout laws have had on the city’s nightlife and safety.

Announced by Premier Gladys Berejiklian yesterday, the Parliamentary Committee will consult with police, doctors and key stakeholders about the effects of the laws that were introduced in 2014 following the one punch deaths of Thomas Kelly and Daniel Christie in Kings Cross.

Venues in Kings Cross and the CBD were forced to stop serving alcohol at 3am and stop letting in patrons at 1.30am. There was also a restriction for bottle shops to close at 10pm. 

A previous review in 2016 found the laws had made the community safer, with the Government then pushing back last drinks to 3.30am and lockout laws to 2am for live entertainment venues.

"After five years of operation, it makes sense for us to now take stock and examine whether any further changes should be made," Berejiklian said in a statement. 

The Committee will be made up of members from both the Lower and Upper Houses in New South Wales. 

There will be five Government members, and five members from Labor and the Crossbench, with a Government Chair holding the casting vote. 


Sheridan Randall, 30th May 2019