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Neil Perry’s Rockpool sued as chef claims he was paid $12 an hour

A chef at Rockpool Bar & Grill restaurant in Melbourne is suing Neil Perry’s high-end restaurant empire claiming he worked 20-hour shifts and was only paid $12 an hour.

Rohit Karki alleges he worked more than 70 hours per week, including 20-hour shifts from 4am to midnight over consecutive days without breaks and was forced to sleep on a pastry bench between shifts.

The federal court claim, through Maurice Blackburn Lawyers, alleges his work conditions “significantly deteriorated” after his visa sponsorship was secured in 2013.

Karki said he complained to Rockpool about his underpayment and treatment late last year but was then bullied and pressured to resign. Karki resigned in March this year and is claiming six years of alleged underpayment from 2012.

“This is another Dickensian example of wage theft and exploitation of vulnerable workers that is all too common in the hospitality industry,” said Maurice Blackburn principal Josh Bornstein.

“Rockpool is no bit player. It’s a highly profitable business empire which has been cheating.”

A Rockpool spokeswoman said the company continues to work with the Fair Work Ombudsman regarding any amounts that may be owing to past and present employees.


Sheridan Randall, 22nd July 2019