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Balmain’s Unity Hall up for sale

The Unity Hall Hotel in Balmain has been put on the market by pub operators and businessmen John Singleton and Geoff Dixon with expectations of around $25 million.

Once sold it will mark the end of the long-running Australian Pub Fund, which was formed in 2015 by Singleton, Dixon and investor Mark Carnegie. At its peak the fund was valued at $300 million and boasted 11 assets including the Marlborough Hotel in Newtown, the Bellevue in Paddington and the Old Vic in Marrickville.

The group they have sold down the portfolio over the last few years to take advantage of a booming market which is being dominated by Justin Hemmes led Merivale, Bruce Solomon and Matt Moran's Solotel group and the Laundy Family.

"Positioned on the high street, and in the centre of both the commercial and retail activity, the Unity Hall is the community hub around which the greater inner west orbits," HTL Property national pubs director Dan Dragicevich said.

"The revenue potency created by its late trading license, clear scale and proximity to the Woolworths shopping centre and adjacent car park, is inimitable elsewhere in the area."



Sheridan Randall, 9th October 2019