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Merivale to offer free skin checks at its beachside venues this summer

Merivale is stepping up the fight against skin cancer this summer by partnering with Beard Season's founder Jimmy Niggles to offer free skin checks to patrons.

The Newport, the Coogee Pavillion and The Collaroy will all be offering free skin checks, performed by trained doctors and nurses in private huts using an AI based screening platform.

"We love our sunburnt country, but it can be a brutal playmate,” Niggles told GQ Australia.

“Our melanoma death rates are 12 times the global norm and a lot of this has a lot to do with how harsh our UV rays are, thanks to a hole in the ozone layer. We need to be more sun smart, learn the warning signs, and get regular skin checks, which is why we’re partnering with Merivale to make it as easy as possible for people to do it this summer.”

The skin checks will take about 10-20 minutes each, using the “best technology there is”, according to Niggles.

“In more than 95 per cent of cases, melanoma can be successfully treated if found early – one of the highest survival rates of any cancer,” he said. “So, get it done.”


Sheridan Randall, 18th December 2019