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Worker with coronavirus worked seven shifts at Hobart hotel restaurant

A young man in Hobart who tested positive to coronavirus ignored health advice to self-isolate, instead going to out to two nightspots and continuing to work multiple shifts at a major hotel.

The student returned to Hobart on February 26 suffering cold-like symptoms after travelling from Nepal and Singapore.

He was tested on Friday and advised to self-quarantine while awaiting the results. Instead he went out to two Hobart nightspots, Cargo and Obar.

He then continued to work multiple shifts at the Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart’s restaurant before finding out he had tested positive to coronavirus.

Health authorities are working with the hotel to determine whether any of the man’s colleagues would require isolation.

“It’s our belief that he did understand the (self-isolation) requirements,” Dr state director of public health Mark Veitch said.

“It is unacceptable to continue activities in public or attend work while waiting for the coronavirus virus test results.

“The risk to diners is low but we do want them to be aware and be vigilant for symptoms in the two weeks after they were dining.”

The man is currently in isolation at the Royal Hobart Hospital in a satisfactory condition.

“If you have been asked to be in self-isolation, you must comply,” Tasmanian Health Minister Sarah Courtney said.

“It is very serious and it is very irresponsible if you do not comply with self-isolation.”


Sheridan Randall, 10th March 2020