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Thieves target Brisbane restaurant as coronavirus threatens entire industry

In a new low, an Italian restaurant in Brisbane has been hit by a targeted robbery at what is the worst time for anyone in hospitality.

The two brazen thieves were caught on CCTV helping themselves to $3000 worth of a meat, pasta, cheese, small goods and alcohol from popular restaurant Beccofino.

Co-owner Cordell Khoury said he doesn’t believe it was a case of coronavirus-related looting but rather a targeted attack from people who knew the hospitality business. 

“I’d say they’re restaurant people, given the stuff they took,” he told Broadsheet.

“What struck everyone who saw the video was how they kept shutting the coldroom door behind them. The only people who do that are chefs. As a chef, from day one you get screamed at to shut the fucking coldroom door. No one else would do that; you’re in a rush. They even shut the door at the end, before they left.”

One man was wearing a white t-shirt, jeans and black runners, while the other was wearing a grey shirt and black pants. Anyone with information on their identities should contact the police.


Sheridan Randall, 19th March 2020