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Food courts limited to takeaway as new bans kick in

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced another wave of social restrictions essentially banning gatherings over 10 people in an effort to stall the spread of coronavirus.

While shopping centres will remain open food courts within shopping centres will only be able to sell takeaway.

"We don't want to be overly specific about that; we want Australians to exercise their common sense," Morrison said.

"Going out for the basics, going out for exercise, perhaps with your partner or family members provided it's a small group — that's fine.

"Barbecues of lots of friends or even extended family coming together to celebrate one-year-old birthday parties and all these sorts of things — we can't do those things now.

"If you're gathering together in a group, say 10 people, outside together in a group, that's not ok."

The Prime Minister also warned the states and territories were considering whether to make it an offence to a host a house party.

"You should only go outside your home to go to those essential things I talked about, not to go and congregate in groups," he said.

"If we do all these things then we are going to be able to put greater pressure on slowing the rate of the spread of this virus."



Sheridan Randall, 25th March 2020