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Accommodation sector welcomes “jobkeeper” support

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Tourism Accommodation Australia has welcomed the Federal Government’s $130b wage subsidy “Jobkeeper” package - with CEO Michael Johnson saying it will help accommodation hotels to retain a skilled workforce as occupancy rates across the nation fall to historic lows.

The national peak accommodation sector association said the new package will see businesses impacted by COVID-19 able to access a subsidy to continue paying employees. Affected employers will be able to claim a fortnightly payment of $1500 per eligible employee, for a maximum of six months.

Mr Johnson said the sector had been working closely with the Federal Government and the Australian Hotels Association to push for a fair system where employers were paid a rebate for keeping staff on.

“I want to thank the Prime Minister and the Federal Government for the on-going support they are providing to the accommodation sector throughout this challenging time, and the Labor Opposition for supporting it,” he said.

“At present, it’s all too obvious our industry is on its knees with current occupancy rates falling below 10 per cent and many hotels being forced to close indefinitely.

“From the start our priority has been the health and welfare of our staff and patrons.

“This new package will allow hotels to keep valuable employees engaged, off the Centrelink queues and preparing for recovery later this year.

“We will continue to work closely with Governments, industry stakeholders and the broader community to ensure the continued support of our members and their staff.

“We will find our way through this together. We are a strong and united industry which will meet our challenges head-on and continue working together to find solutions.”



Tourism Accommodation Australia, 31st March 2020