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Victorians will wait until June before having a meal out

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has announced that cafes, restaurants, pubs and clubs can open to the public for a meal service from June.

Public bars and gaming areas will remain shut, and food courts can only serve takeaway.

However, venues will be subject to "a long and extensive set of rules" including taking down the details of all diners to assist with contact tracing, temperature checks and screening of staff to ensure they were not unwell.

Existing social distancing requirements of 1.5m will continue to apply.

Andrews said he was confident venues would follow the rules as “it's in their interest”.

“They won't be open, they'll be closed, if they don't follow these rules," he said.

"This will only work if those who are going out to a cafe, or those who are going out for a meal at a restaurant, or going to the bistro in a pub, actually follow those rules."

The easing of restrictions on venues will be phased, with 20 patrons per enclosed space from June 1; 50 patrons from June 22; and 100 people from mid-July.

Restrictions on other spaces within pubs and clubs, such as public bars and gaming areas will remain in place throughout June, as will restrictions on food courts.

"The public bar won't be open," Andrews said. "It will be the bistro restaurant dining part of the pub.

"People will be able to go and have a meal. If they choose to have a beer with that then that's all good."

Health Minister Jenny Mikakos said hospitality workers needed to stay at home if they feel unwell.

"It's going to be critically important that whether you're a worker in the hospitality sector or any other industry, if you are unwell and you have even the mildest of symptoms you must stay home, you must go and get tested," she said.

"It's important that you protect your fellow workers, your colleagues and your customers."




Sheridan Randall, 18th May 2020