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NSW allows pokie venues to reopen

NSW is set to become the first state to allow pokie venues to reopen, as an unwinding of restrictions sees up to 50 people allowed in restaurants, pubs and cafes.

"A club's patron capacity may further increase beyond 50 patrons - in increments of 50 up to a maximum of 500 - in accordance with the number of restaurants and cafes inside the club," ClubsNSW said in a statement on Friday.

But while venues are relieved to be back in business, anti-gambling groups says the move risks putting "money before health".

Speaking to The Australian, Alliance for Gambling Reform executive director Tony Mohr said it “is really about money before public health” and goes against federal government advice that high-touch and high-density activities should be among the last to reopen.

"A lot of these clubs and pubs have become so dependent on poker machines, they want to turn the cash cows back on," he said.

Mohr said the demographic among gamblers is older and therefore "much more vulnerable to COVID-19".

But ClubsNSW says venues will “enforce social distancing measures”.

"Clubs will also introduce strict cleaning schedules to ensure high-touch surfaces are regularly cleaned and hand sanitiser will be made available throughout venues," a spokesperson told AAP in a statement.

Sheridan Randall, 2nd June 2020