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WA pub boss slams JobSeeker as a ‘designer drug’ for youngsters

A pub manager in Western Australia has claimed the increased JobSeeker payments are deterring young people from working.

ALH Group WA manager Ric Torchia says he is struggling to get young people to work at his 27 venues as they can get $1,100-a-fortnight on the dole.

“I'm calling people offering them their shifts back and they're saying, 'I'm good, thanks. I'll come back when JobSeeker ends',” Torchia told The West Australian. 

“JobSeeker is actually hurting us because it's like this designer drug they don't want to get off. They're not interested in coming into work for 20 hours a week when they can earn the same amount at home.”

Torchia said he believes youngsters in affluent areas are less likely to want to return to work than those who live in “tougher areas” as they are probably living back at home. 

“In the past, they (affluent people) would not have considered the dole but it has become so widespread now,” he said. 

WA Premier Mark McGowan has urged those reliant on JobSeeker to get a job, saying “our economy needs you” as the restrictions on venues fall away.

“If you can get a job, take it,” he said. “This is a time when our economy needs you, our state needs you. 

“There's lots of roles out there that a lot of people haven't traditionally done - we've relied upon backpackers or we've relied upon people with certain visas - they're not here now.

“So we need West Australians to do all sorts of roles out there across the state, particularly in the regions. It's a great opportunity to do something different.”



Sheridan Randall, 30th June 2020