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Are Queensland bars at risk of closing after nightclub COVID breach?

Video footage of clubbers packed onto a Queensland nightclub dance floor, has Queensland’s hospitality industry concerned about alleged breaches of coronavirus restrictions.

The video is alleged to have been taken on Friday night at Prohibition in Brisbane’s Fortitude Valley.

The video emerged the same day pubs and clubs were given permission to reopen but dance floors were not.

According to Premier Anastacia Palaszczuk, police are investigating to see if the Brisbane club has breached COVID-19 restrictions.

Jason Hirt, president of the Fortitude Valley Safe Night Precinct, said all licensees knew dance floors were to remain closed off to patrons.

Many Fortitude Valley’s licencees in the area were appalled by the breach and were extremely disappointed as they have all been trying to play by the rules.

There are fears this could impact Queensland’s hospitality industry as a whole.

Licensees and stakeholders are meeting with government officials and police on Wednesday. 

Ms Palaszczuk has stated that reports she has received suggest the majority of licensees have abided by the rules.

She told reporters “It is unfortunate that some did breach those rules so that’s a matter for police. If they have breached those COVID safe plans there could be fines imposed.”

CEO of Queensland Hotels Association, Bernie Hogan, wanted to dissociate his organisation from the precinct, saying none of his members were located in the Valley.

“Hotels and clubs are desperate to keep operating so the actions of one or two should not impact the rest of the hospitality industry,” he told AAP.



Irit Jackson, 6th July 2020