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Queensland pub faces fine after COVID breaches, calls for easing of restrictions

One hundred and twenty patrons were evicted from a Queensland pub after a COVID-safe inspection showed incomplete sign ins.

On 10 October, the  Gayndah's Historic Burnett Hotel was inundated with patrons following a day at the races, the same day liquor licensing officers and Queensland Police chose to inspect the venue.

"Of course they would show up on one of the busiest nights that the town was going to experience," publican Nichole Scott said.

The inspectors had found that customers had filled in sign-in forms incorrectly. These forms were designed to help with contact tracing. This meant Ms Scott could be fined $6,700 for the breach.

"I've been working to try to get through just the everyday running of a hotel, so this has really been hard on my mental health and it's kicked me in the guts," she said.

"Why is it okay to pack thousands of people into a stadium, why is it ok to allow hundreds of people through shopping centre doors … and none of their details are collected?"

Ms Scott also stated that it is impossible to know if people were even giving their correct details.  

"If people are coming from out of town they could be writing down anything." 

The Queensland Hotels Association is concerned about the lead up to Christmas and is calling for the State Government to ease restrictions on venues to allow more patrons and dancing in this period.

CEO Bernie Hogan said if restrictions are not eased, nightclubs and dance venues would face permanent closure. 

"The health outcomes have been phenomenal, so we need to be able to give these businesses a chance," he said. 

A spokesperson for Queensland Health said restrictions would be eased in phases.

"The decision to ease restrictions is based on a number of factors, including our ability to identify sources of transmission and contain and manage any outbreaks," they said. 

"Selected restrictions will be eased based on recommendations determined by the current health advice and Queensland's Chief Health Officer.



Irit Jackson, 29th October 2020