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Sommelier caught in child sex sting

Federal police caught a former sommelier in an undercover operation targeting child sex offenders.

The 29-year-old, who was a sommelier at some of Melbourne and Adelaide’s finest restaurants, had been engaged in many conversations over the Kik app with a police officer posing as a 13-year-old girl.

The man used his online handle “the sommm” when he sent the undercover officer a private message on 7 March this year. 

He sent many inappropriate messages up until his arrest on 6 April at Largs Bay. 

The man was charged with communicating a child for a prurient purpose and breaching his conditions as a registered sex offender.

Legislation requires that he report whether he was using any apps such as Kik in addition to his password and any interactions with people under 18.

In an interview he denied knowing the age of the girl, however officers showed him a message which stated that the undercover officer had mentioned his age as almost 14.

During sentencing, District Court Judge Paul Slattery said “You worked as a sommelier at what you described as one of the top restaurants in Melbourne.

“You won an award for your wine list. 

“Upon returning to Adelaide you continued to work in high-end restaurants until you decided to move into wine sales.”

Judge Slattery handed down a sentence of one year, two months and nine days imprisonment. He also took into consideration time spent in custody in home detention and a 30 per cent discount for the timing of the plea.

The man will serve a non-parole period of seven months and five days from 4 November.




Irit Jackson, 9th November 2020