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6 day closure could cost SA hospitality businesses millions

South Australian eatery owners are furious with the sudden announcement on Wednesday that SA’s unexpected lockdown will mean a ban on takeaway food. 

The state’s new harsh lockdown means thousands of dollars’ worth of stock will need to be thrown out because the food will expire before eateries can re-open. 

In addition, restaurants won’t even be allowed to sell the food as takeaway meals. 

All restaurants pubs, cafes, coffee shops, food courts and takeaway shops are to shut entirely for six days.

In early 2020 when harsh restrictions were in place, SA eateries were still permitted to sell takeaway.

Head chef at Schnithouse Hilton, Allan Coad said this new lockdown was “terrible” for small business. 

“Were organising for a lot of stock to be frozen and some of it is probably going to go in the bin,” Mr Coad said.

“It’s pretty bad. We’re only a small place – big places would be in the thousands or tens of thousands of dollars lost.”

Mr Coad said he would have more than willingly moved to an online ordering system with contactless pick up.

“I don’t understand why everybody can go to the shop and stuff like that but they can’t stand outside a restaurant and pick up a takeaway order,” he said.

On Wednesday, Premier Steven Marshall said the main reason for the lockdown was to try to pause any community transmission, referred to as a “circuit breaker” by the government. 

“We are really asking the people of South Australia to join with us on this mighty quest to stop this disease in its tracks,” Mr Marshall said.

“We want to stamp it out before it takes hold in South Australia and ruins our economy – we’ve got one chance.”




Irit Jackson, 19th November 2020