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Melbourne's top chefs divided over smoking in outdoor dining areas

Executive chef at The European Ian Curley thinks smokers should be left alone. Picture: Rob Leeson
Source: Herald Sun


Melbourne's top chefs are divided over smoking in outdoor dining areas.

Big names including Gary Mehigan, Guy Grossi, Frank Camorra and Ian Curley want the State Government to butt out and let their diners continue lighting up on outside tables.

But other chefs want the government to ban all alfresco smoking. They include Mehigan's popular MasterChef co-host George Calombaris, along with Matthew Wilkinson, Philippe Mouchel and Shane Delia.

The Sunday Herald Sun asked 30 Melbourne chefs whether they supported outdoor smoking bans and the result was split down the middle.

A survey of 300 restaurateurs last month by the Restaurant and Catering Association delivered the same result.

"I hate cigarettes," Calombaris said yesterday. "I've never smoked a cigarette and I don't think anyone should have to put up with it while they eat dinner."

But his MasterChef co-host Gary Mehigan reckons smokers have already been ostracised and further bans would be "ridiculous". Mehigan has never smoked, but still defends his customers' right to light up.

The European's non-smoking executive chef Ian Curley agreed with Mehigan, describing the anti-smoking push as a "nanny state gone mad".

Victoria lags behind the rest of Australia, with every other state having either outlawed or having plans to ban alfresco smoking at restaurants and bars.

Municipal councils have already started enforcing their own bans on smoking in playgrounds, sports grounds, beaches and other public areas. Health groups also want smoking banned within 4m of the MCG and Etihad Stadium entrances.

Health Minister David Davis would not speculate on timing for any future smoking bans, but he confirmed more tobacco control measures were on the way.

Steer Bar and Grill executive chef Shaun Nielsen expects outdoor smoking bans to reduce customer numbers by up to 30 per cent in restaurants with large alfresco areas.

Research this year by Cancer Council Victoria shows more than two-thirds of Victorians support a ban on smoking in alfresco dining areas.

Here is what some of Melbourne's top chefs had to say about smoking in outdoor areas:


Gary Mehigan - Fenix, The Boathouse
I'm a non-smoker, but it's ridiculous to ostracise smokers to such an extent. We should try to accomodate the small number of smokers out there. In my experience, if a smoker is bothering other diners and somebody tells them, they usually put the cigarette out.

Guy Grossi - Grossi Florentino, Mirka at Tolarno, The Merchant
Of course smoking isn't good from a health point of view, but this is about rights. How far do you go on governing what people do? Cigarettes are still legal. At a certain point, society needs to decide for itself.

Paul Wilson - Circa, Middle Park Hotel, Albert Park Hotel, Newmarket Hotel
A total ban (on outdoor smoking) is too restrictive and punitive for operators. Many people who go to restaurants and bars are smokers. If you ban them from smoking anywhere at the venue, they just won't eat out. Why should they if they can't do what they want to do and relax?

Frank Camorra - Movida, Movida Next Door, Movida Aqui, Paco's Tacos
I'm a smoker and obviously there are health issues, but there should be some personal choice. I don't want to live in a world where we're governed so closely about everything.

Ian Curley - The European
I don't smoke, but people should have the choice. Smokers still have rights. It doesn't make them bad.


MasterChef judgesMasterChef judges Gary Mehigan and George Calombaris are on opposite sides of the fence when
it comes to allowing smoking in
outdoor areas of Melbourne restaurants.
Source: Herald Sun


George Calombaris - The Press Club, Little Press, St Katherine's, Mama Baba
I understand why my colleagues want to keep smoking areas for business reasons, but I just hate cigarettes. I've never smoked and never will.

Matthew Wilkinson - Pope Joan, Bishop of Ostia
I've been a professional smoker for 20 years and I still reckon we should ban it. It's about respecting others in a dining space, whether it's indoors or outdoors. And nobody wants to breathe in stale smoke.

Jason M Jones - Friends of Mine, Snow Pony, Mazzitelli and Porgie & Mr Jones
It's personal for me. I just can't stand smoking. If somebody's eating, they don't want filthy smoke blown all over them. Queensland's done it without any problems at all, so why not here?

Raymond Capaldi - Owner/Chef at Hare & Grace, Marmalade & Soul
It's not fair on anybody to have to walk through a big cloud of smoke, let alone eat a meal in it.

Adrian Richardson - La Luna
Smoking might be outside, but the smell still wafts past and sometimes smokers get a bit arrogant about it. We're constantly cleaning up butts in our alfresco areas.



Source: The Herald Sun, 19 August 2012