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Could Victoria lose its restaurant culture if lockdowns continue?

Luke Stepsys, owner of two Melbourne restaurants, says Victoria’s latest lockdown has made him consider leaving the state, something he had never considered before.

Stepsys’s two venues, the Panama Dining Room in Fitzroy and Feast of Merit in Richmond, which employ 50-100 workers, are set to lose $140,000 over the two week lockdown but will only receive $7000 in government support.

Within six hours of the extended lockdown being announced, his businesses lost $250,000 in forward bookings.

“My family has had serious discussions about waving the white flag, moving to Sydney and starting over,” Stepsy said.

“I don’t want to leave this city. I love this place. I’ve always had a love affair with Melbourne. I moved here from Tasmania to raise a family, start a business and make it my forever home but even my love affair with the city is starting to wane.

“I fear for everything that makes this city so great. It is at risk. We cannot continue this cycle of lockdowns. New South Wales have proven that a different model exists.”

Before COVID-19 hit, Stepsy was considering opening two additional venues, but says the savings for those ventures have been spent  trying to keep his existing restaurants afloat and says any future investment is likely to be in Sydney.

“I need to have at least one business that is not going to face financial ruin,” he said.

In speaking out against the latest lockdown, Stepsys has faced online vitriol from troll looking for a fight.

However, Stepsys said he will not back down from his stance and will not be intimidated.

“Good for people who can work from home but they need to understand they are fortunate and when they hear from people like me I don’t need fingers pointed at me – I’m fighting for my community.

“Workers in my industry have been forgotten about. We’ve been forgotten about by a Labor government. The stress and uncertainty just eats away at you. Trolls can come at me but I won’t back down.”



Irit Jackson, 7th June 2021