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Perry just a week away from Margaret’s grand Double Bay opening

Neil Perry’s new restaurant Margaret will open on 26 June in Double Bay.

Margaret is named after Perry’s mother and is a neighbourhood-styled restaurant where all are welcome and will be the perfect place for a light or long lunch, drinks with work mates or celebrations with family.

The Internationally renowned Australian chef chose Double Bay it’s “the throat of the eastern suburbs. It is a great spot, it always feels four degrees warmer here."

Perry’s team includes his daughter Josephine and head chef Richard Purdue, who started working with him in 1992.

"Richard and I share the philosophy of asking what can be taken off the plate to make the dish even better," Perry says.

Purdue will oversee the menu including the arrival of whole tuna and swordfish. There will also be seafood surprises and a steady supply of "mystery boxes" supplied by Corner Inlet Fisherman Bruce Collis, who Perry has called the future of fishing.

The restaurant will feature two cool rooms, set at different temperatures and Perry’s famed attention to detail.

"It's not the last project I'll do, but I want it to be the restaurant I see the end of [my] career out in. There's a really beautiful banquette, I can see myself hopefully sitting there one day with a drink," Perry said.

This is the first restaurant that Perry has owned without partners. "It's 100 per cent mine, I'm not sleeping at night," he said.

As with all of Perry’s restaurants there will be a focus on produce and craft. Perry is aiming for simplicity and quality as the foundation of the restaurant where “only the best will do” is the cornerstone mantra.


Irit Jackson, 21st June 2021