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Has immigration minister just fast-tracked hospitality recovery?

Immigration Minister Alex Hawke has moved to help fast track the hospitality industry’s recovery and breathe life into sectors that have been under enormous stress.

The minister has added 22 skilled occupations to the government’s Priority ­Migration Skilled Occupation List, which includes chefs, engineers, accountants, auditors and surveyors.

According to Restaurant and Catering Australia the addition of chefs to the list “would turbocharge the recovery of tens of thousands of hospitality businesses across the country that were suffering through a crippling skills crisis”.

The move is expected to address the severe skills shortages currently being navigated by the hospitality industry in the wake of COVID-19.

R & CA national president Con Castrisos believes the move will “combat the crippling lack of qualified chefs available due to the impact of the COVID pandemic on migration”.

“These skilled migrants are a critical part of thousands of hospitality business across the country, keeping businesses open for longer hours and keeping dozens of Australian workers in jobs. They also play a critical role in training the next generation of Australian chefs in cuisines from all around the world.”

“Across our country, from Port Douglas to Hobart, from Perth to Sydney and everywhere in between, restaurants, cafes and catering businesses have been crying out for greater access to skilled migrants to help them recover from the COVID pandemic – this change answers that call,” Mr Castrisos said.

It should be noted that VISA holders will have to quarantine at their own expense.

The addition of chefs to the list follows the removal of work hour caps for student visa holders employed in the tourism and hospitality sector.

“Covid-19 restrictions have greatly exacerbated existing skills and labour shortages,” Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry acting chief executive Jenny Lambert said.

“Many industries bouncing back in our multi-speed economy are facing a severe lack of skills and labour as a result of international borders remaining shut.”

It is hoped the latest moves by the government will go a long way to rectifying the issue of skills shortages.


Irit Jackson, 24th June 2021