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Abuse is unacceptable says Three Blue Ducks owners

The owners of Three Blue Ducks have come out in defence of restaurant staff who have been poorly treated by customers not following COVID restrictions.

The trio, which includes Andy Allen, Mark Labrooy and Darren Robertson, posted the concern on their Instagram page, writing about  the “difficult” and “weird” times COVID has created over the past 15 months and how with each new outbreak come new rules that sometimes make it hard to keep track of.

“It can be confusing, it can be frustrating, but that doesn’t mean you can get worked up and take it out on those people being asked to police these rules. Our staff, and other hospo staff, some of the most impacted by COVID, many of them out of work for months at a time, not knowing when they’ll get another pay cheque, show up day after day, to serve the many wonderful people that visit our venues.

“But they’re not there to be abused, sworn at, compared to Hitler, or there to deal with any other vile act of madness from people that refuse to wear a mask. It’s not their fault. We don’t make these rules. We follow them to help keep the community safe and to make sure we can stay open and avoid more lockdowns.”

Within a couple of hours the post attracted hundreds of comments. Many showing their support and writing that it was awful that the staff was being treated that way.

“Well said. It’s hard to run a business, look after staff, abide by government rules and restrictions, serve great food and bev, avoid fines, keep customers safe and happy and get a good night’s sleep, all without having a clue what will happen tomorrow. Hospo is resilient,” wrote one cafe owner.

“As a hospo worker thank you for making a post about the abuse and thank you for all that you do. We work long hours in hot conditions and we don’t deserve abuse of any kind. We’re here to make amazing food for people and greet you with smiles and friendly conversation … We don’t make the rules but we do have to follow them to keep us all safe,” one woman said.

“Can’t believe you are even having to post a message like this, such a shame it’s bringing out the worst in some people. Good on you for posting and a huge thanks to the hospitality industry during this time,” another woman wrote.

The post followed footage of the owner of Anatolia Turkish Cuisine eatery at Forster, on the NSW mid-north coast, suffering facial injuries and a suspected broken nose after one couple decided to get physical in defiance of QR code check-in rules.

The Three Blue Ducks owners have urged people to comply with regulations including wearing masks if required.

“We want you to come in, we all appreciate the business, but if you come in without a mask and you’re asked to put one on by a member of staff, then don’t be a goose, just put one on. It’s simple,” the post ended.


Irit Jackson, 5th July 2021