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Is a no jab no beer, no travel policy in the works?

Could Australians be banned from pubs, clubs, restaurants, planes and offices if they haven’t been vaccinated?

If upper house politician Frank Pangallo has his way, the freedom to travel, eat at a restaurant or have a sneaky beer at the pub may be in jeopardy – if you haven’t been vaccinated. 

The SA-Best party representative wants to see compulsory vaccinations brought in with a ‘vaxport’ to prove full vaccination has occurred. 

The South Australian politician said a passport like document would make it easy for authorities to monitor who has been jabbed and who hasn’t. 

“While people might still have a choice whether or not to get vaccinated, what they can do in the community will need to be controlled and restricted,” Mr Pangallo said.

“They would need to be a requirement incorporated with QR code information that if you want to travel on public transport, airlines, enter venues, shopping malls, restaurants and cafes, you will need to show you have been vaccinated. 

“It might also have to apply for workplaces.” 

Pangallo said these types of measures would come across as Draconian, however they would be necessary to combat the unpredictable nature of the virus, especially with the nation on the cusp of a potential health and economic catastrophe. 

Currently South Australia has administered a first vaccine dose to 37 per cent of people aged over 16, but only 14 per cent have had a second jab.

Despite this, SA Health Minister Steven Wade does not support compulsory vaccinations, a sentiment held by Chief public health officer Professor Nicola Spurrier.

'I certainly agree with Professor Spurrier that we should continue to maintain our commitment to the Australian people that the vaccine will be free and voluntary,' Wade said. 

'I'm very confident with the South Australian community as supplies become more available … we'll have an effective vaccination rate to help us move out of this pandemic.'  




Irit Jackson, 19th July 2021