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Fishers don't want to make seafood safety decision

The co-owner of the Gladstone Fish Market in central Queensland says Safe Food Queensland should decide whether seafood caught in the Gladstone Harbour is safe to eat.

Last year, the State Government imposed a temporary ban on fishing in Gladstone after marine life began developing lesions.

A recent Fisheries Queensland report says fish health is improving and Safe Food Queensland says it is the responsibility of wholesalers to decide whether fish is safe for human consumption.

However, the seafood market's Ted Wittingham says fishermen are not qualified to make such a decision.

"We're fishermen, we're not veterinary scientists, it's up to a veterinary scientist to determine whether the fish are fit for human consumption or not," he said.

"Now our veterinary scientist, Matt Landos, that has done all the independent work in the harbour on our behalf, has stated that the fish in Gladstone Harbour is unsafe for human consumption."

Mr Wittingham says the decision should rest with Safe Food Queensland.

"They could declare that it was unfit for human consumption but if they can declare it's unfit for human consumption - if Safe Food Queensland come along to ensure that I wasn't selling any unhealthy fish - why can't they come along and say that the fish is healthy?" he said.


Source: ABC News, 27 August 2012