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Owner arrested after unvaccinated staff cause Italian restaurant to be shut down

An Italian restaurant was shut down overnight and the owner arrested after allegedly operating with unvaccinated staff members.

At around 6pm on Monday, Perth’s Topolinis Caffe owner Jodie Jardine (51) and her daughter (22) were taken away by police, but were returned to the restaurant in the early hours of the morning after being held in custody for a few hours.

“We’re going to have to tell my grandchild ... we were arrested for her or him because we’re standing up for our children and my grandchildren, that’s what I am doing. I am standing up for the future of our children and if we don’t, we’re not going to have a future,” Ms Jardine said.

“I’m not sure what’s going to happen with the restaurant and my staff, my 20 staff that I have rely on me for their pay, I don’t know I am going to have to get a lawyer and see what our next step is.”

A spokeswoman for WA Police said officers attended the café while it was closed at 1pm, after a member of the public reported staff were unvaccinated.

“Police spoke with the owners and staff and advised them of their obligations under the Emergency Management Act,” she said.

“About 5.30pm, police re-attended and found the café open and trading for business. Staff were asked to leave the café and it was closed by police.

“A 51-year-old woman and a 22-year-old woman were taken into custody.”

The two women were charged by summons for breaching the Emergency Management Act.




Irit Jackson, 9th February 2022