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Titanic Theatre restaurant delays reopening after it becomes a cannabis crime scene

Two hundred cannabis plants have been found on the rooftop of the Titanic Theatre Restaurant in Williamstown during a police raid.

The owner of the restaurant Louis Ngyuen claims he has no idea how the plants got there.

The venue on Nelson Place was raided around 5pm last night after the building’s owner discovered the plants on the roof. During the raid, no one was found to be at the restaurant and police seized crops and a hydroponic set up. 

"Shocking, it was shocking, I was terrified, it's just ridiculous," Ngyuen said. 

"Titanic is an iconic building, it's shocking for me this morning and my family members and my friends." 

Mr Ngyeun said the theatre had been closed for months due to the pandemic and he only visited the property once a month since December.

Power issues from the crop house also posed problems for neighbouring café Prince and Buoy leading to them temporarily closing. 

The cafe posted on social media today explaining they had to close due to the premises being a crime scene.

"Until the power can be safely restored, we are forced to close Prince & Buoy," the statement read.

"We're incredibly grateful for the continued support from our customers."




Irit Jackson, 17th February 2022