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Sisters fear for lives after pub attacker bailed

Two sisters are “living in fear” after being bashed at an Albury pub, with the alleged attacker walking free within hours of his arrest. 

Kali and Lucy Palmer were attacked without warning on a night out at Sodens Hotel, by a man the sisters claim is known to police in Victoria. 

The women believe this information was not considered as the assault occurred in Albury. 

Kali, 35, was hit several times but raised her hands in self-defence before the man attacked her sister Lucy, 28.

Lucy, a pharmacy worker, was left unconscious on the ground after being struck up to six times whilst trying to protect her sister.

Lucy suffered concussion, a black eye, facial swelling and required stitches for a laceration.

“I thought she was dead,” Kali said.

Video footage shows Kali comforting her sister as they await medical help.

“The doctor said (if she was struck) any closer to the temple, she was dead. Being king hit by a man is not OK,” Kali said.

“This is inhumane and utterly disgusting. It has left myself and my sister physically and mentally distressed to the point we fear for our lives.” 

According to Kali, the alleged attacker was placed in custody on Saturday and bailed within hours.

She said Albury police were unable to find record of his prior incidences with Victorian law enforcement.

“How is this OK? Where is our protection?”

Kali said both sisters were hesitant to speak out because they fear men are not being dealt with properly.



Irit Jackson, 30th March 2022