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Minimum wages increase from 1 July 2022

From 1 July 2022:
  • the National Minimum Wage has increased by $40 per week, which amounts to an increase of 5.2%
  • award minimum wages have increased by 4.6%, which are subject to a minimum increase for adult award classifications of $40 per week and based on a 38-hour week for a full-time employee.

Other award wages, including junior, apprentice and supported wages that are based on adult minimum wages, will get a proportionate increase.

Some awards get a minimum wage increase from the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2022, while others get one from the first full pay period on or after 1 October 2022.

What you can do now

To find out your new pay rates, you can:

Learn more about the minimum wage increase at Minimum wages increase from 1 July 2022. You’ll be able to check if you award increases from 1 July or 1 October 2022.

These pay rate increases follow the Fair Work Commission Annual Wage Review 2021-22.

Other 1 July 2022 changes

From 1 July 2022, there are other changes you should know about. This includes:

  • high income threshold and compensation cap
  • superannuation changes
  • new award provisions under the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services (SCHADS) Award
  • end of unpaid pandemic leave in many awards. 


Find out more about these changes at Minimum wages increase from 1 July 2022.



Fair Work Ombudsman, 1st July 2022