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Riverside restaurants a focus for 2032 Brisbane Olympics

New riverside restaurants and improved facilities will be a highlight of the South Bank Parklands as Brisbane starts preparations to host the 2023 Olympic Games.

A draft master plan lays out restaurants near the Cultural Forecourt and improved pedestrian, cycling and e-scooter links.

“Food and beverage outlets could be tucked under a series of promontories and within coves to activate the river’s edge and make the most of the city-facing aspect,” the draft master plan says.

The plan suggests removing a car park wall and re-landscaping the Cultural Forecourt and improving transport.

“We are in the very early planning stage for Games transport options – including active transport – to be built in time for the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games,” Transport Minister Mark Bailey said.

“There is already an operational separated cycleway directly linking South Bank and the Gabba cricket ground via Stanley Street that may need upgrading.”

“Brisbane City Council’s new green bridge will link Alice Street in the CBD with Kangaroo Point.”

Further linkages are also on the cards.

South Bank Corporation chief executive Bill Delves said the corporation hopes to reinvigorate the river’s edge between the new Neville Bonner Bridge and Victoria Bridge, with plans including an area for restaurants with river views.


Jonathan Jackson - 8-11-22